Sunday, March 31, 2013

PGDCA Exam 2013

Last Date for submission of Exam. Form of PGDCA Exam. 2013.,Converging Technology V Semester Exam. 2012,M.Sc.(I.T.) III Semester Exam. 2012.,MCA -I & III (due) Semester Exam. 2013

S.No. Issued by No. Date Particulars
825.Controller of ExaminationsExam.III/UM/2013/9429-4830/03/2013Shri Agrasen Kanya Snatkotter Mahavidhyalaya, Mahuwa (Dausa) centre has been debarred conducting practical examination and the present examination of Ms. Shimla Bai Meena bearing Roll. no. 404566 of B.A. Part-I Exam, 2012 has been cancelled.
824.RegistrarEstt.-I/2013/596430/03/2013Appoint Prof. R.D. Doi as Head Department of Geography, UOR Jaipur.
823.RegistrarEstt.-I/2013/591230/03/2013Appoint Dr. R.L. Rathi, Assistant Professor in Law, as Principal University Law College Centre-I, UOR Jaipur.
822.RegistrarEstt.-I/2013/601630/03/2013Appoint Prof. Alpana Kateja Department of Economics, as Principal University Rajasthan College, UOR Jaipur.
821.RegistrarPS/REGR/2013/596425/03/2013Appoint Prof. Sangeeta Sharma, Deptt. of Public Adm. as Director, University Central Library, UOR Jaipur.
820.RegistrarPS/REGR/2013/577225/03/2013Appoint Prof. M.P. Bansal, Deptt. of Business Adm. as Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, UOR Jaipur.
819.RegistrarPS/REGR/2013/584825/03/2013Dr. Rajesh Sharma will not continue as Administrative Secretary to VC.
818Controller of ExaminationsExam.IV-A/B/2013/8873-927220/03/2013Following Instrcutions for the Principal & Center Superintendents of Examination 2013.

Application for allowing at the Examination on the Center.
817.Controller of ExaminationsExam.V-B/PGDCA/2013/735916/03/2013Last Date for submission of Exam. Form of PGDCA Exam. 2013.
816.Controller of ExaminationsExam.V-B/B.Tech-M.Tech/2013/735916/03/2013Last Date for submission of Exam. Form of Dual Degree B-Tech-M.Tech Converging Technology V Semester Exam. 2012(Batch 2010-2015).
815.Controller of ExaminationsExam.V-B/2013/736016/03/2013Last Date for submission of Exam. Form of M.Sc.(I.T.) III Semester Exam. 2012.
814.Controller of ExaminationsExam.V-B/MCA/2013/735816/03/2013Last Date for submission of Exam. Form of MCA -I & III (due) Semester Exam. 2013.
813.RegistrarSanstha/2013/575813/03/2013Schedule for interview for placement of Assistant Professors in Senior/Selection Scale under CAS.

Performance Appraisal Report-I/II form.
812.RegistrarSanstha/2013/5357-540009/03/2013Regarding Payment for extra classes of Teaching Faculties.
811.RegistrarPS/REGR/2013/571327/02/2013Prof. T.N. Mathur will not continue as Administrative Secretary to VC.
810.RegistrarV.S.P/2013/629120/02/2013Start Vidhan Sabha Budget Session 2013 .
809.RegistrarNo.Estt.I./2013/532519/02/2013Constitute the following Advisory Committee of the Nehru Studies Cente, UOR Jaipur.
808.Dy. Registrar(A&F)L.V./Medical/2013/447613/02/2013Notice for the extend date registration of Doctors/hospitals/Specialists/Nursing Homes/Homeopathic/Ayurvedic etc. with UOR Jaipur.
807.RegistrarF-9/G.Ad./2013/140/601712/02/2013Work Time Schedule of University Health Centre UOR jaipur.
806.RegistrarNo.Estt.I./2013/496006/02/2013Appoint following teachers, as Director & Dy. Director, Centre for Water Mang. & Research (Deptt. of Geology), UOR jaipur.
805.RegistrarNo.Estt.I./2013/506306/02/2013Appoint Dr. Ashok Singh, as Dy. Director, Centre for Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, UOR jaipur.
804.RegistrarNo.Estt.I./2013/501106/02/2013Extend the term of Prof. R.N. Jat as Director, University Centre for Computer & Information Tech., UOR jaipur.
803.RegistrarNo.Estt.I./2013/511706/02/2013Extend the term of Prof. Mridul Srivastava, Deptt. of Law, as Director, Five Year Integrated law Course, UOR jaipur.
802.RegistrarNo.Estt.I./Mise-II-48(Vol.-III)/2013/466330/01/2013Extend the term of Dr. (Mrs.) Archana Srivastava, Asstt. Professor as Head of the Deptt. of Dramatics, UOR jaipur.
801.Finance Advisor & ControllerL.V./2013/1034-4024/01/2013Office order for appointment of Nodal Officer related to Audit by Registrar.
800.RegistrarEstt.2/2013/1170723/01/2013Tentative list of candidates for interview of D.R. & A.R..
799.RegistrarF-9/G.Ad/45-A/2013/538517/01/2013Notification for "Republic Day" (26 January 2013).
798.RegistrarNo.Estt.I.2013/441415/01/2013Appoint Dr. Surendra Singh Chauhan, Deptt. of Indira Gandhi Centre for HEEPS as Director, Indira Gandhi for HEEPS, UOR jaipur.
797.RegistrarNo.Estt.I.2013/447015/01/2013Appoint Prof. D.C. Jain, Deptt. of Physics as Director, CNCER, UOR jaipur.
796.RegistrarSanstha-I/2013/431811/01/2013Related to advancement increment for Ph.D. holders.
795.RegistrarEstt.I/2013/425107/01/2013Appoint Prof. J.P. Yadav, Deptt. of EAFM, as Chief Warden (Boys), UOR Jaipur.
794.RegistrarEstt.I/2013/419907/01/2013Appoint Prof. (Mrs.) Jaimala Sharma, Department of Zoology as Officiating Chief Proctor and Dr. H.S. Palasnia, Asstt. Professor, Deptt. of Physics as Addl. Chief Proctor, UOR Jaipur.
793.Offg. RegistrarEstt.I/2012/416631/12/2012Notification for extend the submission of application forms for all the teaching posts till date 31-01-2013.
792.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/411331/12/2012Appoint Prof. A.K. Nagawat as Director, Centre for Converging Technologies(CCT), UOR Jaipur.
791.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/406131/12/2012Appoint Dr. Shailendra Gupta as Director Infonet Centre, UOR Jaipur.
790.RegistrarNo. F.35-444/PP/2012/975031/12/2012Constitute the following Committee to monitor and implement the UPE Scheme sanctioned by the UGC under Holistic Development.
789.SECTION OFFICER (PP)No. F.34-11/PP/2012/9689-974029/12/2012Utilisation of SCP & TSP allocation of ICSSR.
788.Asstt. Registrarexam-4-a/2012-13/21892-91122/12/2012Regarding the following colleges open bank counter for deposit fees of exam form for Non-Collogiate Student.
787.RegistrarSanstha-2/2012/1035922/12/2012Appoint Smt. Vinod Kanwar.
786.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/388422/12/2012Extend the term of Prof. B.C. Upreti, as Principal Univ. Rajasthan College, UOR Jaipur.
785.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/388422/12/2012Extend the term of Prof. N.K. Kumbhat, as Principal Univ. Commerce College, UOR Jaipur.
784.Asstt. RegistrarR.S./2012/1096421/12/2012Circular for Research Guides to be filled .
783.Asstt. Registrar4/exam-vivid/2012/21875-88221/12/2012Notification regarding making New Exam Centres session 2013 fees & date for university affiliated colleges.

New Exam Centre Form.
782.Finanace Controller & AdvisorA&F-III/Medical/2012/433621/12/2012Notification for the registration of Doctors/hospitals/Specialists/Nursing Homes/Homeopathic/Ayurvedic etc. with UOR Jaipur.
781.Asstt. RegistrarF-9/ information for I-Card Session 2011.
780.RegistrarEstt.-I/2012/3730-380014/12/2012Regarding declaration of assets annually, has resolved (Res.No. 20) to adopt the same in the University and University Teachers and Officers should declare their immovable property annually.
779.Asstt. RegistrarF-9/ food wastage and ostentatious behavior during social gatherings like marriages/parties/meetings.
778.Department of MathematicsNo.MD/2012/88105/12/2012Meeting of Research Committee for Course Work of M.Phil./Ph.D. programme will be held on Friday 14, 2012 at 10.30 AM in the Deptt. of Mathematics.
777.RegistrarSanstha-2/2012/970805/12/2012Appoint Shri Foolchand.
776.RegistrarEstt.-I/2012/357901/12/2012Appoint Dr. Prabha Bhardwaj, Astt. Professor Deptt. of Music as Warden Annie Besant and Mother Teresa Hostels (Maharanis's College) UOR Jaipur.
775.RegistrarEstt.-I/Mise-II-48/2012/359201/12/2012Appoint Prof. (Mrs.) Beena Agarwal as Head of the Deptt. of Sanskrit, UOR Jaipur.
774.RegistrarRS/2012/10332-9330/11/2012To supply information in respect of the Research Scholars.
773.RegistrarEstt.-I/2012/343829/11/2012University Activities/ Administrative work.
772.RegistrarPA/CE/2012/9851-6529/11/2012Constitute Examination Planning and Monitoring Committee of the following members for the University Examination 2013.
771.Dy.Registrar(A&F)A&F-I/Budget/2012/1095124/11/2012Budget Estimates for the year 2013-14 and Revised Budget Estimates for the year 2012-13 (Separate sets be prepared for Non-Plan, Self-Financing Schemes and Local Fund Accounts).
770.RegistrarF.17(1)/Acad.I/2012/949124/11/2012Nomination of three members for Finance Committee.
768.UOR-23/11/2012Rate Contract (valid up to 30-11-2013) Issued under the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor Order for Central Purchase System.
767.UGC, New DelhiD.O.No.1-2/(XI Plan)20/11/2012Action Plan for Academic & Administrative Reforms.
766.RegistrarEstt.-I/2012/329819/11/2012Extend the term of Ms. Neha Choudhary, Research Scholar, as Asstt. Warden in Mahi Girls Hostel.
765.RegistrarF.35-444/PP/2012/9186-920517/11/2012Constitute the following Advisory Committee for the UPE focused Area Programme "Materials and Converging Sciences: nano-particles, nano-composites and multilayers.
764.DeanDSW/Y.F./2012/840403/11/2012 Inter College Youth Festival.
763.Dy.RegistrarA&F-IV/2012/2027-207803/11/2012 Financial Assistance to University Research Scholars for the Year 2012-13.
762.RegistrarF-9/G.Ad./2012/4534-463326/10/2012 A Compaign for registration in Vidhan Sabha Constituency Voting list for student of colleges/University.
761.RegistrarEstt.-I/2012/300926/10/2012Appoint Prof.(Mrs.) Asha Pande, Deptt. of ELLCS as Co-coordinator Centre of European Studies.
760.Exam.ControllerF6(3)Exam5-A/Legal/2012/8923120/10/2012Exam Date extended of I,II & Year Exam.
759.RegistrarAcad.I/2012/9352m20/10/2012NOTIFICATION NO. 6 (ORDINANCE).
758.Asstt. RegistrarF-9/G.Ad./110/2012/440220/10/2012Instructions for Agency Contract base employes regular work on dashara/diwali holidays.
756.RegistrarEstt-I/2012/2894-294018/10/2012In continuation to this office letter No. Estt.I/2012/2894-2940

The VC constituted a committee reguired information in the enclosed performa of such Asstt. Prof. who is absorbed by Ord. 2008 in your department.
755.RegistrarEstt.-I/2012/273918/10/2012Appoint Dr. R.A. Sharma as Vice Principal, Univ. Maharaja's College UOR Jaipur.
754.RegistrarEstt-I/Mise-II-150-E/2012/279118/10/2012VC is pleased to allowed to continue Prof. J.D. Sharma as Vice Principal Univ. Maharani's College UOR Jaipur
753.RegistrarEstt-I/Mise-II-150-E/2012/284318/10/2012Appoint the following teachers as Vice-Principal in the Univ. Maharani's College, UOR Jaipur
752.RegistrarEstt-I/2012/267515/10/2012The following persons as Warden in the Hostels has been extended for a period of one year or till further order.
751.RegistrarAcad.II/2012/9591-7912/10/2012Collection of information regarding OBC students, Caste Wise.
750.Asstt. RegistrarF-9/G.Ad./HAC/2012/419712/10/2012List of applicants (Teaching/Non Teaching Staff) who have applied for University Residential Accommodation upto 31 Aug, 2012.
749.RegistrarNo Chem/2012/122910/10/2012Guideliness for contribution of "Chem News Letter" Deptt. of Chemistry UOR Jaipur.
748.RegistrarEstt.-I/Mise-II-48-(V)/2012/254906/10/2012Appoint Prof. Preeta Joshi as Head of the Deptt. of Public Admn. UOR Jaipur.
747.Finanace Controller & AdvisorAcc&Fin/Audit/2012/Notficn/Vivid-4/275-37506/10/2012Instructions to keep the copy of Voucher with abstract of all deptt. for audit works.
746.RegistrarAcad.II/2012/9095-124m04/10/2012Appoint Prof. T.N. Mathur Deptt. of EAFM, as Dean of the Faculty of Commerce UOR Jaipur.
745.RegistrarAcad.II/2012/9487-9304/10/2012Regarding preparation of Annual Report 2010-12(Constituent College).
744.RegistrarAcad.II/2012/9287-933827/09/2012Regarding preparation of Annual Report 2010-12(Univ. Teaching Departments).
743.Finanace Controller & AdvisorL.V./2012/365-46522/09/2012following instructions for Central Purchasing System
742.Admn Secy to VcVCS/2012/2315-241418/09/2012Regarding Send regularly important work of Consolidated Monthly Report.
741.RegistrarEdut-II/2012/900414/09/2012Regarding PG classes optional Papers.
740.RegistrarEdut-II/2012/893514/09/2012Re-admission for regular student last date 21-09-2012 with late fees.
739.Admn Secy to VcVCS/2012/2300-237013/09/2012University Newsletter 'Glimpses'.
738.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/210413/09/2012Extend the term of Miss Anjana Arya, Research Scholar in Law as Asstt. Warden in Kasturba Girls Hostel..
737.RegistrarEstt.I/Misc-II-150(B)/2012/213013/09/2012Appoint Dr.(Ms) Nilima Singhvi, Astt. Professor in Physics as Vice Principal, University Maharaja's College.
736.RegistrarF-9/G.Ad./2012/352111/09/2012CONDOLENCE MEETING.
735.RegistrarAcad.II/2012/890208/09/2012Re-constitute the Editorial Board of the Glimpses to ensure regular publication of Glimpses, a Newsletter of the University of Rajasthan.
734.RegistrarF-35-287/PP/2012/5030-5108/09/2012The following Member's appoint in Academic Staff College, Universities.
733.Admn Secy to VcVCS/2012/2218-227705/09/2012VC to request you to kindly ensure that no teacher of your Deptt./College should take class(s) of SFS Course on the same day on which he/she remains on leave.
732.RegistrarAcad.II/2012/8661-74030/08/2012The following Committee to prepare Annual Report for the academic session 2010-11 and 2011-12.
731.RegistrarAcad.II/2012/858125/08/2012Re-admission form submittion date extended.
730.RegistrarEstt.I/Misc-II-48(V)/2012/156625/08/2012Appoint Prof.(Mrs.) Maya Rani Tak as Head of the Deptt. of Music.
729.RegistrarF-9/G.Ad./2012/256117/08/2012CONDOLENCE MEETING.
728.RegistrarF-9/G.Ad./2012/266217/08/2012Notice for all employees & teachers related to student election 2012.
727.RegistrarF-9/G.Ad./2012/246016/08/2012Student Election 2012.
726.RegistrarF-9/G.Ad./2012/235316/08/2012I Card must for employees in university campus.
724.RegistrarF-9/G.Ad./Store/2012/2186-228513/08/2012Notification related to regular students I-Card session 2012-13
723.RegistrarEstt.-I/2012/137111/08/2012Extend the term of appointment on post mentioned their names of the following teachers.
722.RegistrarA&F-III/Medical/2012/408709/08/2012Revised list of approved different categories of medicals centres for the treatment of the University employees.
721.RegistrarF-9/G.Ad./H.A.C./2012/200309/08/2012"University of Rajasthan Residence Rules 1982" & Application form allotment of University Accommodation for Residential Purpose.
720.RegistrarF-9/G.Ad./11/2012/205409/08/2012Student Election 2012.
719.RegistrarEstt.-I/2012/128804/08/2012Appoint Dr. Seema Agarwal as Head of the Deptt. of Anthropology.
718.RegistrarEstt.-I/2012/127404/08/2012Extend the term of Ms. Alka Bairwa, Research Scholar in Sanskrit as Asstt. Warden in Mahi Girls Hostel.
717.RegistrarPS/Regr/Estt.-I/2012/120301/08/2012Appoint Prof. Shashi Sahay as Head of the Deptt. of Political Science.
716.RegistrarEstt.-I/Mise-II-48(IV)/2012/120301/08/2012Appoint Prof. D.S. Chouhan as Head of the Deptt. of Mathematics.
715.RegistrarSanstha-2/2012/380731/07/2012Notification related to DR. & AR for cancellation of exam.
714.RegistrarEstt-II/2012/3396-349727/07/2012The following criteria for considering the names of the employees for reward on 26th Jan and 15th Aug.
713.RegistrarSanstha-2/2012/365725/07/2012Detail of DR. & AR related to held SCRUTINY COMMITTEE.
712.RegistrarEstt.-II/2012/109923/07/2012Appoint the following persons as warden in the hostels.
711.RegistrarN0. F.35-475/PP/2012/1641-171023/07/2012Reconstitute the following committee as under to look into the enhancement of the R&D environment of the University.
710.RegistrarEstt.-I/2012/1023-107320/07/2012Constituted a committee to asses the workload status in the various teaching departments, as well as constituent Colleges.
709.RegistrarSanstha-2/2012/306620/07/2012Appoint Shri Rajesh Kumar Sharma.
708.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/95719/07/2012The following faculty members are deputed to work in URATPG entrance test for admission to P.G. courses.
707.RegistrarF-9/G.Ad./2012/1167-126619/07/2012Regarding celebration the 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda on 12th January, 2013.
706.RegistrarF-9/G.Ad./2012/1409-150819/07/2012Related to regular students I Card for session 2012-13.
705.RegistrarF-9/G.Ad./45/2012/130819/07/2012Notice for Independence Day "15 August 2012".
704.RegistrarAcad.II/2012/794016/07/2012Again extended date of Re-Admission Forms 2012-13.
703.Controller of ExaminationsExam 5-a/2012/456016/07/2012Noification of B.Ed. Examinations 2012
Centre List of B.Ed. Exam. 2012
702.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/93814/07/2012Regarding scheme of revision of pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in universities and colleges.
701.RegistrarSanstha-2/2012/269014/07/2012Appoint Shri Rakesh.
700.Admn Secy to VCNo.VCS/2012/1831-183604/07/2012Extended date of Re-Admission Forms of all eligible regular UG students of part-II and Part -III (B.A./B.Com./B.Sc.) Pass and Honours Programmes of session 2012-13.
699.RegistrarEstt.I/Mise-II-48-(V)/2012/61004/07/2012Appoint Prof. (Mrs.) Vibha Upadhyaya, as Head of the Deptt. of History, UOR Jaipur.
698.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/69404/07/2012Extend the term of Dr. Vidhya Jain as Director, Gandhian Studies Centre, UOR Jaipur.
697.RegistrarAcad.II/2012/584204/07/2012Constitute the following Central Admission Board for the session 2012-13.
696.Dy. RegistrarRS/MPAT-2012/5202-522628/06/2012Appoint the following team for conducting M.Phil./Ph.D. Admission Test (MPAT-2012).
695.Dy. RegistrarRS/MPAT-2012/524928/06/2012Appoint of Prof. D. C. Jain as Convener, M.Phil./Ph.D. Admission Test (MPAT-2012).
694.Addl. RegistrarAcad.II/2012/561127/06/2012Constitute the following Central Weightage Committee for the admissions session 2012-13.
693.RegistrarEstt-I/2012/44323/06/2012The following teachers will retire from University service during the period from 1st July 2012 to 30 June 2013.
692.RegistrarEstt-I/2012/51523/06/2012Appoint the following teachers as Associate Proctor in the Proctorial Board UOR Jaipur.
691.RegistrarNo.Exam-III/RE/2012/5911-691020/06/2012Provide certified photo copy of evaluated/revaluated answer books to the examinee on applying for the same on the prescribed application from only.
690.RegistrarF9/Gen.Adm/16/2012/51818/06/2012Regarding celebration of 26th June as the international day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking(IDDAIT).
689.RegistrarAcad.II/2012/299018/06/2012Anti-Ragging Committee for the Academic Session 2012-13.
688.RegistrarEstt-I/mise-II-150(D)/2012/37118/06/2012Appoint Prof.(Mrs.) Anju Bhatia, as Head of the Deptt. of Home Science, UOR Jaipur
687.RegistrarAcad.II/2012/499718/06/2012Notification for again Extended date of online admission Form.
686.RegistrarNo.F.35-434/PP/2012/980-106316/06/2012Appoint Prof.(Mrs.) Damyanti Gupta as Director, Centre for Study of Social Exclusion & Inclusive Policy.
685.RegistrarNo.Acad.II/2012/294416/06/2012Appoint Prof. Mridul Srivastava as Convener to hold entrance test for admission in L.L.B.course in the university Law College, Centre-I and Centre-II for the session 2012-13.
684.Adm Secy to VCNo.VCS/2012/1645-168815/06/2012Renotice of University Newsletter'GLIMPSES'.
683.RegistrarAca.II/2012/423315/06/2012Notification for Extended date of online admission Form (Eng.)
Notification for Extended date of online admission Form (PRO. Hindi)
682.RegistrarF9/Gen.Adm/store/2012/3812-391114/06/2012Related to Central Purchasing System
681.RegistrarEstt-I/mise-II-150(D)/2012/32614/06/2012Appoint Dr. S.P.S. Shekhawat as Principal, University Law College,Center-II, UOR Jaipur
680.Controller of ExaminationsExam-5-a/B.Ed./2012/3115-6413/06/2012The Colleges of adjusted PTET student are required to obtain exam form from University
679.RegistrarEstt-I/2012/263-32512/06/2012Appoint Prof. N.D. Mathur as Hony. Director, University Central Library, UOR Jaipur
678.RegistrarF-9/G.Ad./Store/2012/3812-391110/06/2012Related to Central Purchasing System

University Purchasing System
677.Vice-ChancellorVCS/12/1443-152308/06/2012Minutes of the meeting of the Deans, Directors, Head of the Deptt. and Principals held on 6th may 2012 UOR Jaipur

676.RegistrarEstt-I//Mise-II-48(IV)/2012/18007/06/2012Appoint Prof. Jagdish Prasad as Head of the Deptt. of Statistics, UOR Jaipur
675.RegistrarEstt-I//Mise-II-48(IV)/2012/12-7505/06/2012Appoint Dr. Sangeeta Sharma as Director Shri Guru Govind Singh Study Centre,UOR Jaipur
674.RegistrarEstt-I/2012/79-17805/06/2012The following Associate Professors Promoted to the Post of Professors.
673.RegistrarAcad-II/2012/282031/05/2012Inspection for colleges courses B.Ed./B.P.Ed./M.Ed. for session 2012-13
672.RegistrarEstt-I/2012/655229/05/2012Prof. Vinita Sreen will look work of warden maharani's colleges hostels.
670.RegistrarF20(1)Acad.I/2012/7812-17M25/05/2012Appoint Dr. M.S. Chundawat as Secretary, university Sports Board.
669.Public Relations OfficerP.R.O./2012/883-98225/05/2012Consolidated monthly report relating to imp. academic and non-academic achievement of deptt./colleges/centres.
668.RegistrarEstt-I/2012/639222/05/2012Appoint Dr. Rajesh Kumar Sharma, as Director, Nehru Studies Centre,Deptt. of History & Indian Culture, University of Rajasthan.
667.University Sports BoardUSB/2012/511222/05/2012Appoint Dr. M.S. Chundawat as Secretary, Sports Board, University of Rajasthan.
666.RegistrarAcad.I/2012/7621-795m22/05/2012Notification of BOS of Busn. Admn. the following changes in the scheme of examination of BBA Course Univ. Exam 2011.
665.RegistrarEstt.I/Mise-II-48(III)2012/638122/05/2012Appoint Prof. J.P.Sharma, as Head of the Deptt. of EAFM,University of Rajasthan.
664.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/631022/05/2012Extend the term of Dr. Mahesh Koolwal, as joint Director Five-Year Integrated Law Course, University of Rajasthan.
663Prof.Sudha Rai(Chief Editor-GLIMPSES)VCS/12/1320-138021/05/2012University Newsletter"GLIMPSES"
662RegistrarSanstha-2/2012/85021/05/2012Appointment of Manoj Sain.
661Registrarf-9/ and Miner Works 2012-13 Committee members.
660.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/6058-615012/05/2012Please Send a list of reputed journals of your subject/fields for its approval by the Academic Council.
659.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/599708/05/2012Retired Teachers of the university of Rajasthan.
658.Addl.RegistrarAca-II/2012/163330/4/2012Current Academic Session 2011-12 has been extended upto 19 May 2012.
657.RULETRULET201230/04/2012Extention of last date of RULET 2012 to 10 May 2012.
656.Controller of ExaminationsExam-III/RE/2012/233528/4/2012Application form for Answer Book Under RTI ACt-2005.
655.RegistrarAcad.II/2012/143425/4/2012Re-constitute the Editorial Board of the following Persons to ensure regular publication of Glimpses, a Newsletter of univ of Raj.
654.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/578725/4/2012Appoint Prof. (Mrs.) Alpana kateja as Head of the Deptt. of Economics, UOR Jaipur.
653.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/584125/4/2012Appoint Prof. S.l.Sharma as Hon.Director,Social Sciences Research Centre UOR Jaipur.
652.Adm Secy to V CVCS/2012/929-99924/04/12Renotice of Central Purchasing system.
651.RegistrarAcad.I/2012/7339-428m23/4/2012India Today Questionnaire from -Nielsen, University Ranking Survry-2012.
650.RegistrarAcad.II/2012/14119/4/2012Affiliation Rules for private colleges based on UGC regarding norms for land and endowment fund.
649.RegistrarAcad.II/2012/33819/4/2012Following persons to implement the decision regarding admission.
648.Adm Secy to V CVCS/2012/825-90418/04/12Notice for Additional Administrative Responsibilities.
647.Adm Secy to V CVCS/2012/745-82418/04/12A Meeting on "Pg Programme related Grading system" held on 20th April,2012 at 2 VC Secrt. UOR Jaipur
646.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/5647-571716/4/2012Revised panel of subject experts of Deptt/Centre.
645.RegistrarEstt.I/Mise-II-150-A/2012/559416/04/2012Appoint Dr. Naresh Malik,as Vice-Principal University Rajasthan College UOR Jaipur
644.Adm Secy to V CVCS/2012/642-70009/04/12Central Purchasing system.
643.RegistrarAcad.II/2012/Prospectus/3705/4/2012Dr. Shailendra Gupta has been included in the joint Prospectus Committee,UOR Jaipur
642.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/547705/4/2012Appoint Prof.(Mrs.) J.D. Sharma as Chief Warden(girls),UOR Jaipur
641.RegistrarAcad-I/2012/7198-211m03/04/2012 Following Adhoc Committee of Courses in Visual Arts.
640.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/533127/3/2012Appoint Prof.S.G. Sharma Deptt. of ABST as Coordinator, NSS.
639.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/526927/3/2012Appoint Prof. J.P.N. Sharma as Hony.Director,P.G. School of Commerce UOR Jaipur
638.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/503820/3/2012List of Promotion Associate professors to Post of Professors.
637.RegistrarAcad-II/2012/Prospectus/1669017/3/2012Constitute the Joint Prospectus Committee Consisting the following Persons
636.Asstt.RegistrarRakio/logo/2012/355-6814/3/2012Logo(Insignia) for Rajasthan Farmer's Commission
635.Controller of ExaminationsExam 4-A/B/Part-I/2012/683910/3/2012Syndicate Decission for Ex-Students.
634.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/432209/3/2012Re-constitute the Study Leave Committee to consider the cases for the grant of Study Leave to Teaching & Non-Teaching Employees.
633Controller of ExaminationsExam 4-A/2012/261904/03/2012List of Colleges Correction Exam Centre 2012.
632Controller of ExaminationsExam 4-A/2012/842103/03/2012List of with Correction Exam Centre 2012.
631Controller of ExaminationsExam 4-A/2012/609003/03/2012New Exam Centre.
630Controller of ExaminationsExam 4-A/2012/611703/03/2012Notice related to Rajasthan college Exam centre.
629Controller of ExaminationsExam 4-A/2012/611203/03/2012Notice for Change Exam Center of Non-Collegiate.
628.RegistrarSanstha-2/2012/13109-21102/3/2012Notice information of Contract base Employees. the following Committee for preparing tender documents for the life cycle programme.
626Controller of ExaminationsExam 4-A/2012/839329/02/2012Notice for Non-Collegiate Student Exam-Center 2012 in Jaipur
625Registrarf-9/ Cleaning Maintenance of University Campus.
624.RegistrarEstt.1/2012/420529/02/12Dr.J.P.N. Sharma, as Vice-Principal,Univ. Commerce College,Extended for period of one year or till further orders.
623.RegistrarV.G.Ad./2012/760925/02/12Budget of Vidhansabha
622.Adm Secy to V CVCS/2012/293-36323/02/12Commencement of the Univ.Exam 2012 from 3rd March,2012.
621Controller of Examinations---22/02/2012Centre Code List of Non-Collegiate,Regular and Ex-student for Examination 2012. a Committee of the following Persons to conduct the Pre-M.Ed. Entrance Test 2012.
619Controller of ExaminationsExam 4-A/2012/804221/02/2012List of Non-Collegiate Student Exam-Center 2012
618University Law CollegeULC/ps/2012/45221/02/2012ULC-Ranka National Moot-Court Competition-2012
617Controller of ExaminationsExam 5-A/Law/2012/6437518/02/2012Instructions of Fill Online Law Examination Form 2012.
616Dy.RegistrarF.35-417/PP/6106-2018/02/2012Re-constitute the following Steering committee for the Centre for Converging Technology.
615Dy.RegistrarF.35-417/PP/2012/6046-4914/02/2012Centre for Non-Conventional Energy Resource(CNCER) prof.Reeta Arora,Deptt.of Education as Coordinator to conduct Pre-M.Ed.Exam 2012-13.
613Dy.RegistrarF.35-469/PP/2012/5833-9611/02/2012"Publicatio Board"
612RegistrarF.35-460/PP/2011/5638-572208/02/2012UGC has sanctioned some additional Development grant to the University under XI Plan.
611Registrarf-9/,Painting,Maintenance Permission by SFS/local Fund.
610Controller of ExaminationsExam 4-A/2012/7358-51708/02/2012List of Exam Centers of New Colleges.
609Controller of ExaminationsExam 5-A/2012/5911-5007/02/2012Notification of related to Examination for MBA Student.
608RegistrarF.35-287/PP/2006/5724-4104/02/2012Appoint Prof.K.N. Vyas,as member in the Advisory Committee of Academic Staff College UOR jaipur.
607RegistrarAcad-I/2012/6362-78m04/02/2012Re-constitute a Adhoc committee of Courses in Converging Technology of the following members..
606Registrarf-9/ International Yuva Festival Ghumar 2011 on 6th to 8th Feb.2012.
605Controller of ExaminationsExam 4-A/2012/63075-47403/02/2012Notice of Practical Exam Centre.
604RegistrarEstt.I/2012/394102/02/2012Appoint Dr.Mini Nanda,as Director of Woman Studies Centre,UOR Jaipur.
603RegistrarEstt.I/2012/384131/01/2012Appoint the following persons as Associate Dean Students' Welfare.
602Section Officer(PP)F.35-MISC/pp/2011/5384-545028/01/2012Enhancement of fellowship amount of the Research Fellows/Project Fellows,SAP of UGC.
601.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/378228/01/2012Appoint Dr. R.N.Jat, as Director University Centre for Computer Science & Information Tech. UOR Jaipur
600.Controller of ExaminationsExam 4-A/2012/639625/01/2012Notification for affilated colleges whom affiliation is granted after 22-12-2011
599.Controller of ExaminationsExam 4-A/2012/599525/01/2012Notification for regular/previous students whose RE result or UM case decision declared after 31-12-2011
598.Registrarf-9/ of 15 march,2012(Sheetala Ashtmi).
597.Registrarf-9/ University M.S.R Committee Meeting for Repair, Maintenance and Construction work of Departments.
596.Registrarf-9/ Team For Visit in University.
595.Asstt.Registrarf-34-475/PP/2011/5162-7612/01/2012Appoint Prof. B.K.Srivastava as convener of Institutional Bio-safety Committee,UOR jaipur.
594.RegistrarEstt.I/2012/359310/01/2012Appoint the following teachers as Vice-Principal,University Rajasthan College,UOR jaipur.
593.RegistrarEstt.II/2011/10652-1075009/01/2012Reward deserving non-teaching employees.
592.RegistrarEstt.I/Mise-II-150-D/2012/355307/01/2012Appoint Dr.(Mrs.) Madhu Shastri,Asstt.Professor as Vice-Principal in the Univ. Law College-centre-I(Morning).
591.Registrarf-9/ Republic Day On"26 Jan. 2012"
590.Controller of ExaminationsExam 5-A/2012/976805/01/2012Instructions of B.Ed & M.Ed 2012 Online Exam Form.
589.Addll.RegistrarAcad-II/2011/15390-44803/01/2012Regarding admission of Kashmiri Migrants.
588.Addll.Registrar,Univ. PressV.V.P/2011/7050-716003/01/2012University Press.
587.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/346903/01/2012Notice for Certain cases persons appointed for a fix tenure/term.
586.Controller of ExaminationsExam-4-A/2012/466602/01/2012Notice of Online Examination Form
585.Dy.RegistrarEstt.1/2011/340731/12/2011Appoint Prof. B.C. Upreti,as Principal University Rajasthan College,Jaipur
584.Controller of ExaminationsExam 5-A/2011/45623-62828/12/2011B.E,B.Arch Semester(Back)Scheme Exam Centre & Exam Start on 10 jan 2012
583.Asstt.Registrarf-34-475/PP/2011/4907-1628/12/2011Appoint Prof. Salil Agarwal,Committee to enhance the R&D environment of the Univ.
582.Asstt.Registrarf-9/ Identification Authority of India "Aadhar"
581.RegistrarEdutII/2011/1532827/12/2011Extend the Date with late fees for Univ. Affiliated Private Colleges
580.RegistrarP.S./Reg./2011/546026/12/2011Shri N.N.Gupta Addl. Registrar will look after the work of Registrar during Leave period.
579.RegistrarP.S./Reg./2011/545014/12/2011Notice,Right to Information Act.
578.RegistrarEstt.1/2011/326823/12/2011Appoint Prof.N.K. Kumbhat,as Principal Univ.Commerce College,UOR jaipur
577.Director A.P.T.Captc/2011/155-20020/12/2011Admission in APTC for Coaching Classes,UOR Jaipur.
576.Adm Secy to V CVCS/2011/3124-322417/12/2011Renotice Consolidated montly report regarding imp. academic and non academic achievements of the Univ. of Raj.
575.Dy.RegistrarA&f-I/Budget/2011/9928-1002716/12/2011Schedule of Budget Discussions.
574.RegistrarSanstha-2/2011/982814/12/2011Appointment of Shri Shakil Khan.
573.Controller of Examinationsexam4-a/2011/216114/12/2011Again Extend the Date of Fill Online Exam Form.
572.Controller of Examinations4/exam/2011/261013/12/2011Regarding of Exam Center.
571.Asstt.RegistrarF.35-MISC/pp/2011/4532-9308/12/2011Regarding of Take new Projects to Foreigner Institute.
570.Asstt.RegistrarF-9/Gen.Adm./2011/585308/12/2011 Restrict Plastic cup for Tea, Coffee in Canteens and Cafeteria.
569.Controller of ExaminationsExam 4 B/2012/7041-5707/12/2011Centre College List of BBA Part-I(Sem.)Exam 2011.
568.RegistrarGen.Adm./2011/539702/12/2011Notice,Identity cards must for Entry in Administrative Building UOR, Jaipur
567.Addl.RegistrarAcad.II/2011/1450 3m30/11/2011Executive Development Programme (EDP) for College Principle.
566.RegistrarAcad.II/2011/Aff./1443129/11/2011BOI meeting held on 25-11-20011
565.Deptt. of Philosophyudp/2011/1481-149329/11/2011Appoint Prof.Yogesh Gupta as Head, Deptt.of Philosophy,Univ. of Raj.jaipur
564.Controller of ExaminationsExam 4 B/2012/116425/11/2011Instructions for Fill Online Exam. Form 2012.
563.Controller of ExaminationsExam 4 B/2012/25/11/2011Press Note for BBA First Semester.
562.(B.S. Shekhawat)Public Relations officerP.R.O.O./2011/744-84317/11/2011Consolidated montly report regarding imp. academic and non academic achievements of the Univ. of Raj.
561.RegistrarF.35-3289/pp/2011/4063-7117/11/2011Number of Seats in B.P.ED. & M.P.ED. Course.
560.RegistrarAcad.I/2011/4986m15/11/2011Changes in the Syllabus of BBA Semester Scheme for the Exam. 2012-2014
559.RegistrarAcad.I/2011/5157m15/11/2011Advisory Committee to make changes (Additional/substitution) in the Subjects of B.A.,L.L.B(Hons.) Course.
558.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/277012/11/2011Appoint Ms. Neha Choudhary,Asstt. Warden of Mahi Girls Hostel, UOR,Jaipur
557.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/2701-275809/11/2011Associate Prof. for Promation to the post of Professor under CAS
556.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/265609/11/2011Appoint the following teachers as Additional Director and joint Director of Centre for Converging Technologies, UOR,Jaipur
555.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/247705/11/2011Appoint Prof. Anjali Krishnamurthy,Deptt. of Physics as Principal Univ. Maharani's College UOR,Jaipur
554.RegistrarF-9/Gen.Adm./2011/523605/11/2011Renotice for sloganeering, strike and other activities in Univ. Campus
553.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/257004/11/2011 Appoint Prof. A.K.Nagawat,Department of Physics ,as Director ,Center for Converging Technologies,University of Rajasthan ,Jaipur
552.RegistrarF-9/Gen.Adm./18/2011/515004/11/2011 List of Permission Administrative & Financial for Deptt. construction and Repair work
551.RegistrarF.No.16(1)/Acad.I/2011/476703/11/2011Appointment of Prof. B.K.Srivastava as Dean Faculty of Science
550.RegistrarF-9/Gen.Adm./2011/502702/11/2011Notice for Restrict of sloganeering, strike and other activities in Univ. Campus
549.RegistrarEstt.I/mise-II-48(III)/2011/232402/11/2011Appoint Prof. R.V. Singh,as Head of Deptt. of Chemistry, UOR
548.RegistrarEstt.I/mise-II-48(IV)/2011/237602/11/2011Appoint Sh. Subrato mandal,Asstt. Prof. as Head of the Deptt. of Visual Arts, UOR
547.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/2419-6502/11/2011Renotice of send the required information Workload position in the deptt.for acedemic session 2011-12.
546.RegistrarEstt.I/Mise-II-48(IV)/2011/225601/11/2011Appoint Dr.Monika Mohan Saxena as Head of the Deptt. of Psychology, Univ. of Raj.
545.Asstt.RegistrarF-9/Gen.Adm./2011/4895-494518/10/2011Notice of"Registration in VidhanSabha constituency voter list" for Univ.Students
544.Asstt.RegistrarF-9/Gen.Adm./110/2011/476215/10/2011Notice for Guards and Security Guards on Contract base
543.Dy.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/216612/10/2011Appoint the following teachers as Wardens of Univ. Hostals
542.Dy.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/211512/10/2011Appoint Prof.Lad Kumari Jain as Director,Woman Studies Centre, Univ. of Raj.
541.Dy.RegistrarA&F-I/BUDGET/2011/971411/10/2011Budget Estimates for the year 2012-13 and Revised Budget Estimates year 2011-12
540.Adm. Secy to VCVCS/2011/2680-275010/10/2011Information Update the Website.
539.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/2030-9008/10/2011Notice of Workload status in the various teaching dept.submit its report with in 10 days.
538.RegistrarEstt.I/Mise-I/2011/196108/10/2011Appoint Prof.S.L.Sharma Deptt. of Sociology,as Director of Social Science Research Centre
537.Dy.RegistrarEstt.II/2011/754703/10/2011List of computer training programme Employees(Time-3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
536.Dy.RegistrarEstt.II/2011/750303/10/2011List of computer training programme Employees(Time-9:00 am to 12:00 Noon
535.Asstt.RegistrarExamVI-A/2011/2135103/10/2011Notice of Enrolment Section Information 2011-12
534.Adm. Secy to VCVCS/2011/2564-263430/09/2011Leave application of faculty members for approval to the VC
533.RegistrarF-9/Gen.Adm./store/2011/4420-450027/09/2011Notice of I.Card Format for All Univ.Employes and Teachers
532.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/183624/09/2011Appoint the persons as Warden/Asso.Warden of Gokhale Hostel
531.RegistrarF.35-329/PP/2011/3346-5522/09/2011Increase number of seats in B.P.Ed. and M.P.Ed. Courses
530.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/167315/09/2011VC is Pleased to accord sanction for creaditing compensatory leave under mentioned teachers(during summer vacation for 2008-09 &2009-10)
529.Adm. Secy to VCVCS/2011/2300-236513/09/2011SFS Programmes will be closed on 15th sept 2011 with a late fee
528.RegistrarF-9/Gen.Adm./2011/418909/09/2011Notice for I.Card
527.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/154308/09/2011Appointment of prof.Nand Kishore Panday ,as Head of the Dept. Hindi
526.Adm. Secy to VCVCS/2011/2174-225305/09/2011SFS Programmes will be closed on 10th sept 2011
525.RegistrarF-9/Gen.Adm./140/2011/381730/08/2011Changed Time of health Center
524.Dy.RegistrarF-9/Gen.Adm./store/2011/402030/08/2011Remaining I-card and Fee Depositing
523.RegistrarEst. I/2011/145330/08/2011Appointment of Dr. Ram Prasad as Vice Principal University Rajasthan College
522.RegistrarEst. I/2011/135527/08/2011BBA /BCA Part III Suppli.Exam.
521.RegistrarAcad.I/2011/1863-92227/08/2011Election of five University Teachers to the Senate
520.RegistrarEst. I/2011/135527/08/2011Appointment of Prof.Ramesh Dadhich as Director ,South Asia Studies Director ,South Asia Studies
519.RegistrarAcad.I/2011/1802-86125/08/2011Election of one University Teacher to Syndicate
518.Head Physical EducationPhy.Edu./2011/236-23818/08/2011Charge Handover
517.A&FA&F/2011/7856 24/08/2011MPAT Test
516.RegistrarV.Gen.Adm./2011/3582 24/08/2011Vidhan-Sabha monsoon session
515.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/121019/08/2011Teaching work will remain suspend on 19 and 20 Aug 2011
514.RegistrarEstt.I/Mise-11-48(vol-II)/2011/114419/08/2011Appointment of Prof B.S. Rathore as Head of Department of Physical Education
513.RegistrarF-9/G.A.d./H.A.C./2011/325812/08/2011Form for Allotment of Univ. Accommodation
512.RegistrarEstt.-2/2011/468612/08/2011Appointment Smt. Santosh Kanwar
511.RegistrarF-9/Genadm/2011/335912/08/2011Identity Card for Teaching/ Non-Teaching Staff
510.DirectorAPTC/11/75-12511/08/2011Notice for Competative Examination
509.Addl. RegistrarEstt.I/2011/90810/08/2011Appoint Prof. Deepak Bhatnagar, as Head of the Deptt.of Public Admn.
508.Addl. RegistrarEstt.I/2011/84110/08/2011Appoint Teachers as Vice-Principal, Univ. Maharaja's College
507.Addl. RegistrarEstt.I/2011/62810/08/2011Appoint Prof. Som Deo, as Director, ASC
506.Adm. Secy. to VCVCS/2011/2026-208610/08/2011Teachers should not leave the station without the prior permission
505.Addl. RegistrarEstt.I/2011/102109/08/2011Appoint Dr. (Mrs.) Jaimala Sharma, as Additional Chief Proctor
504.Addl. RegistrarEstt.I/2011/95609/08/2011Appoint Prof.R.L. Godara, as Chief Proctor
503.Addl. RegistrarEstt.I/2011/74304/08/2011Appoint Prof.R.V. Singh as Coordinator NSS
502.Addl. RegistrarEstt.I/2011/79604/08/2011Appoint Prof.Rajiv Gupta as Hony. Director, P.G. School of social sciences
501.Addl. RegistrarEstt.I/2011/67604/08/2011Appoint Prof. P.K. Goyal as Hony. Director, P.G. School of Life Sciences
500.RegistrarF.N..16(1)/Acad.I/2011/1637M02/08/2011Appoint Prof. Mridul Srivastava as Dean of the Faculty of Law
499.RegistrarEsst.I/2011/47602/08/2011Appoint Dr.(Ms.) Joya Chakravarty as Chief Warden, (Girls)
498.RegistrarEsst.I/2011/42402/08/2011Appoint Dr. Mamta Jain as Warden, Mahi Girls Hostel
497.RegistrarF-9/GenAdm./45/2011/292429/07/2011Celebration of Independence Day
496.RegistrarF-9/GenAdm./store/2011/339129/07/2011Data for Identity Cards
495.RegistrarEstt-2/2011/408129/07/2011Periodical Increment Certificate
494.C.F. & F.A.A&F-VI/Conv.Adv./2011/75529/07/2011Revise limit of the amount of Loan/Advance
493.Director APTCAPTC/11/5126/07/2011Classess of Compatative Examination, 2011
492.Dy. Registrar (Estt.II)Estt-II/2011/3884-398426/07/2011Deserving Names for rewarding them on 26th January & 15 August.2011
491.RegistrarEstt-2/2011/3765-382526/07/2011Regard for Retired Teachers/Employees
490.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/34826/07/2011Appoint Prof. (Mrs.) Mridul Srivastava as Head of the Deptt. of Law
489.Prof M.S. PooniaCP/2011/575-67422/07/2011Anti Ragging Committee
488.Asst. RegistrarF-9/Gen.Admn./store/2011/2687-278620/07/2011Identity Cards for Students
487.Asst. RegistrarEdu.II/2011/501-6020/07/2011Admission for Kashmiri Migrates
486.RegistrarCP/2011/556-65516/07/2011Short Movie of Anti Ragging
485.RegistrarF.35-375-A/PP/2011/239216/07/2011Standing SFS Course Committee
484.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/125-19516/07/2011Proposals for the Indira Gandhi Award of National Integration
483.RegistrarAcadII./2011/38513/07/2011Admission in UG & PG Courses in Session 2011-12
482.Adm. Secy to VCVCS/2011/800-88008/07/2011Notice for online Admission in Hostels
481.Adm. Secy to VCVCS/2011/719-79908/07/2011Notice for Necessary Action
480.Dy. Registrar (PP)F.28-185/PP/2011/2143-221008/07/2011Allocation of grant under head-Books & Journals
479.Wg Cdr, Commanding Officer1(A)/NCC/102/Trg08/07/2011Enrolment 2011-12 New Cadets in Air Wing NCC
478.Deptt. of AnthropologyDA/2011/100-10206/07/2011CMC of the Deptt. of Anthropology
477.Dean, Student WelfareDSW/Ghumar/2011/009-010506/07/201110th International Youth Festival Ghumar - 2011
476.VCSVCS/2011/627-69704/07/2011Please Provide the following details to the Vice Chancellor for Observation
475.VCSVCS/2011/365-43502/07/2011Blood Donation Camp
474.VCSVCS/2011/436-50602/07/2011Details regarding the Teachers on 27-28 June 2011
473.Adm Secy to VCVCS/2011/52130/06/2011Appoint a person to update the website information of the dept
472.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/558424/06/2011Extend the term of Ms. Neha Choudhary as Asstt. Warden Mahi Hostel
471.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/551924/06/2011To get pension as per university pension rules after counting their past services
470.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/559624/06/2011Appoint Teachers as Associate Proctor in the Proctorial Board
469.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/572824/06/2011Send the proposal to meet the uncovered workload in the Deptt./Colleges/Centres
468.CF & FAA&F/2011/7501-758124/06/2011Status of funds position in various Bank Accounts
467.Asst.RegistrarRS/201121/06/2011Submission of softcpies of Ph.D.synopsis and thesis.
466.RegistrarEdu II/2011/3295421/06/2011Date Extentation for some courses.
CP/2010/501-601/2635518/06/2011For Anti Ragging Committee
464.Dy.Registrar(Est.I)Estt.I/2011/539518/06/2011Appointment of Dr. S.P.S Shekhawat as Principal,University Law College Center-II
463.Dy.Registrar(Est.I)Estt.I/2011/530718/06/2011List of teachers who will retire
461.RegistrarNo.31356-41506/06/2011Create Admission Guidance Cell & Counseling cell
460.RegistrarSanstha-2/2011/192804/06/2011Appintment of Smt. Mani Devi
459.Asst. RegistrarLekha & Vitt./2011/736601/06/2011Advance increment of Ph.D. for Teacher's of Rajasthan University
458.RegistrarEdu.II/2011/3132601/06/2011Affiliation Rules
457.Section Officer (PP)F.29-Misc/PP/2011/134731/05/2011UGC provides financial support to Major & Minor Research Projects
456.RegistrarF.9/Gen.Admn./store/2011/147631/05/2011Physical Verification & Auction
455.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/498531/05/2011Appoint Prof. Sudha Rai, as Honorary Director of the Central Library
454.RegistrarEstt.I/Mise-II-48 (IV)/2011/488027/05/2011Appoint Prof. Ansuya Pathak, as Head of the Department of Music
453.RegistrarF.35-151/PP/2011/127325/05/2011Constituted the Advisory Committee
452.Section Officer (PP)F.35-Misc/PP/123624/05/2011Patent Prior Art Search & invention analysis
451.RegistrarAcad.II/11/3099724/05/2011Constitute Central Weightage Committee
450.RegistrarAcad.II/11/3089624/05/2011Constitute Central Weightage Committee
449.RegistrarAcad.II/11/3079524/05/2011Constitute Central Admission Board
448.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/482721/05/2011Performa of Workload Position for the academic session 2011-12
447.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/478621/05/2011Constitute the Workload Assessment Committee
446.Asstt. Registrar(Academic)F.35-Misc/PP/2011/120521/05/2011Rates of remuneration to the Residential Coaching Academy
445.RegistrarRTI-Cell/2011/29921/05/2011Meeting of all PIO
444.Dy. Registrar(PP)F.35-475/PP/2011/105919/05/2011Constitue a Committee to into enhance the R&D environment
442.RegistrarPS/Regr/2011/540214/05/2011Constituted a committee for conduct Pre-B.P.Ed. Entrance Test 2011
441.RegistrarEstt.I/2010/468713/05/2011Asstt. Warden in the Hostels has been extended for a period of one year or till further order
440.Dy. Registrar(PP)F.35-467/PP/2011/633-4107/05/2011Guidelines for part time allowance to staff working in various Research Projects
439.RegistrarF.35-469/PP/2011/681-76307/05/2011Constituted Publication Board
438.RegistrarF.35-466/PP/2011/535-4107/05/2011Appoint Prof. Y.K. Vijay as Co-ordinator for the M.Tech (Engineering Physics)
437.Dy.Registrar(PP)F-29-603-A/PP/2011/837-94007/05/2011Renamed Department of Adult & Continuing Education
436.Dy.Registrar(G.Ad.)F-9/G.Ad/115/2011/959503/05/2011Reconstitution of the committee for MSR Fund and Minor Works for the Year 2011-12
435.Dy.Registrar(PP)F-35-421/PP/2011/33903/05/2011University Thanks to State Govt.
434.Dy.Registrar(PP)F.35-470/PP/2011/48103/05/2011Partial modification in the Counseling Cell for women student
433.Asstt.Registrar(PP)F.35-375/PP/2011/46103/05/2011Revision in University Contribution of SFS income for Session 2011-12
432.RegistrarPS/Regr/2011/535329/04/2011Constituted a committee for Pre-M.Ed. Entrance Test-2011
430.RegistrarF.7(30)/Acad.I/2011/36926/04/2011Constitute Adhoc Committee of Courses in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
429.RegistrarF.7(20)/Acad.I/2011/26326/04/2011Constitute Adhoc Committee of Courses in M.Phil. Energy
428.Registrarsanstha-2/2011/12621/04/2011Appointment of Sh. Govind Kumar
427.AdmnSecy to VCVCS/2011/637-70721/04/2011Request to send the detailed workload for persual of the VC
426.Controller of ExaminationExam. 5-a/shiksha/2011/789111/04/2011Extend date of B.Ed. Examination 2011
425.Dy. Registrar Lekha & Vitt.Lekha avum Vitt-fourth/2011/1728711/04/2011Deduction in Income Tax
424.RegistrarP.S./Reg./2011/531509/04/2011Committee for streamline the system of investment of University funds
423.Dy. Registrar (PP)F.34-1069/PP/2011/6806-2502/04/2011Implementation of IPLS-DBT Programme
422.Deputy LibrarianLb-4/CP/2011/700602/04/2011Online Access of Nature Physics
421.RegistrarF.35-287/PP/2006/6751-7001/04/2011Advisory Committee for UGC Academic Staff College
420.RegistrarF.7(19)/Acad-I/2011/8562-57801/04/2011re-Constitute a Adhoc Committee
419.RegistrarF.No.7(23)/Acad-I/2011/8545-56001/04/2011Constitute a new Adhoc Committee
418.Dy. Registrar(Lekha & Vitt)Lekha&vitt/2011/703726/03/2011Tariff Rates
417.Dy. Registrar(Res.)RS/2011/2177624/03/2011Frame Rules regarding precautionary/safety Measures
416.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/3628-8618/03/2011Grant of Compensatory leave during summer vacation
415.RegistrarF.17(1)Acad I/2010/840817/03/2011Nominated Prof. D.P. Jaroli to serve on the Finance Committee
414.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/353817/03/2011Appointment of Dr. Prabha Dashora as Director CNCER
413.RegistrarAcad.II/2011/2780412/03/2011Revised Affiliation Fee per Session
412.RegistrarEst.I/2011/322905/03/2011Appoint of Dr.R.D.Agrawal as Vice-Principal in University Maharani's College
411.RegistrarEst.I/2011/3239-4105/03/2011Extend of the terms of following teachers as Vice-Principal in University Maharani's College
410.RegistrarGAD/2011/850604/03/2011Withdrawn I & III Saturday of every month
409.RegistrarEstt.I/Mise-II-48 (IV)/2011/305004/03/2011Appointment of Dr.(Ms.) Joya Chakravarti, as Head Deptt. of English
408.RegistrarEstt.I/Mise-II-48 (IV)/2011/312204/03/2011Appointment of Dr. (Mrs.0 Asha Pandey,as Head of MEL
407.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/3024-304004/03/2011Appointment of Miss. Anita Khandelwal, as Astt. Warden Laxmi Bai Girls Hostel
406.Dy. Registrar(PP)F.35-460/PP/2011/5561-563001/03/2011Information for Submit your requirements with Justification
405.Astt.RegistrarF-9/Gen.Admin./115/2011/8092-819224/02/2011Information for University Engineering to be filled by all Departments .
404.VCEstt.I/2011/2886-294024/02/2011Information for All University Staff regarding Leave .
403.VCU.Gen.Admn/2011/8286-838624/02/2011Information for All University Staff.
402.Dy.Registrar(Estt.II)Estt.II/2011/2507624/02/2011RTI Cell Will Function under the supervision of ALR,LegalCell
401.Dy.Registrar(Estt.I)Estt.I/2011/284024/02/2011Appointment of Dr.Rajendra Kumar Sharma as Dy.Director Center for Museology and Conservation
400.Asstt.Registrar(PP)F.35-470/PP/2011/5361-540524/02/2011Partial Modification in Counseling cell for Women students
399.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/2857-6222/02/2011Reconstitutated Advisery Committee for DSA-Phase-III
398.Deptt. of LawUDL/2011/1952-5322/02/2011Classes of Foundation Course
397.Exam.ControllerExam 4-A/2010/987221/02/2011New Exam Center for Non-Colligiate Students
396.Asstt.Registar(Acad.I)No.F.4(12)/Acad.I/2010/21/02/2011Adhoc Commitee of Courses in Rajasthani Language Literature and culture
395.Dy.Registar(Estt.I)No.Estt.-I/2011/276321/02/2011Appointment of Prof.Deepak Bahtnagar as Director,Center for Local Self Government in the Deptt.of Pub.Admn.
393.AddlRegistrarF.No.16(1)/ACAD.I/2010/7799M18/02/2011Appointment of Prof B.S.Rathore as Dean,Faculty of Education
392.ExamControllerExam4-A/2011/969918/02/2011List of Changed Examination Centre for 2011 Exam
390.RegistrarGen.Admn./2011/8751-885115/02/2011Constituted a Speical Cell
389.Dy. Registrar (PP)F.35-470/PP/2011/5026-6615/02/2011Constituted a Counseling Cell of Women Studies
388.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/263315/02/2011Appointment of Prof. R.D. Gurjar as Dean, Students' Welfare
387.Dy. Registrar(Estt.II)Estt.II/2011/2412711/02/2011Appointment of Prof. P.R.Sharma and Dr.Shailendra Kumar Gupta as Officer on Special Duty(Examinations)
386.Dy. Registrar(Estt.II)Estt.II/2011/2388211/02/2011Appointment of Prof. T.N.Mathur as Admn. Secy. to VC(General)
385.Dy. Registrar(Estt.II)Estt.II/2011/2396411/02/2011Appointment of Dr. Rajesh Kumar Sharma as Admn. Secy. to VC(Personal & Ancillary)
384.Dy. Registrar(Estt.II)Estt.II/2011/2404611/02/2011Appointment of Prof. Som Deo as Director of Examination
383.Dy. Registrar(PP)MiscPP-2011/5091-513211/02/2011Sanction to travel for Research Work
11/02/2011CSAT -2011
381.RegistrarF-9/Gen.Adm./336/2011/8553/10/02/2011Damage of University Property is Crime
380.Syndicate Member (Prof. M.S. Poonia)CP/2011/117-22010/02/2011Pasting Posters/Banners in University Campus is Prohibited
379.Asstt. Registrar(Gen Admn.)F-9/Gen.Adm./156/2011/03/02/2011Shok Sabha for Mrs. Vaibhav Jain
378.Addl. RegistrarF.7(29)/Acad.I/2011/754201/02/2011Constitute a New Adhoc Committee
377.CF & FAA&F-I/Budget/2011/3025-312401/02/2011Schedule of Budget Discussions
376.RegistrarEstt.I/2011/243228/01/2011Payment of Rs. 250/- per lecture to retired teachers/guest faculty
375.Dy. Registrar (PP)F.35-444/PP/201027/01/2011Visit of UGC Expert Committee for Universities with UPE on 28-30 January, 2011
374.Adm Secy to VCVCS/2011/94-16425/01/2011Sets of Departmental Profile & Proposed Project
373.RegistrarF.35-326/PP/2011/4728-9525/01/2011Appointment of three members in the Planning and Monitoring Board
372.RegistrarF.9/GAD/51/2011/7940-804021/01/2011Any Loss or Damaged to Univ. Property a suitable amount of penalty/compensation will be charged
371.RegistrarAcad.II/2011/Prospectus/2693521/01/2011Joint Prospectus Committee
370.VCF-9/GEN.Admn./45/2011/779519/01/2011Invitation for Jan 26, 2011
369.VCPS/VC/2010/516619/01/2011Presence in UPE meeting
368.DirectorASC/2011/59918/01/2011Proposal for UGC Sponsored Refresher Courses to be conducted in the year 2011-2012
367.Dy. Registrar (PP)F.35-444/PP/2011/450917/01/2011Visit of UGC Expert Committee
366.Dy. Registrar (Estt.-II)Estt.-II/2011/2151217/01/2011Criteria for rewarding the employees on 26 Jan and 15 Aug

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