DNB CET January 2014 / Diplomate National Board Centralized Entrance Test, January 2014 Notification
DNB CET January 2014 – NBE National Board of Examinations has released DNB CET January 2014 Notification.
DNB CET is the eligibility-cum-ranking examination for entry to various post graduate courses in modern medicine under the National Board of Examinations (NBE)
NBE shall be conducting DNB CET as a computer based test (CBT) form 15th November, 2013 to 21st November, 2013 at test centre across the country.
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates who are in possession of MBBS degree/provisional MBBS pass certificate from an Institute recognized as per the provisions of the Indian Medical Council Act and possess permanent or provisional registration certificate of MBBS qualification issued by the Medical Council of India/State Medical Council and have completed one year of compulsory internship or likely to complete on or before 31st January, 2014 may apply DNB CET through online application system at www.natboard.edu.in/cet
Composite examination fee and information bulletin voucher (required for online application system) can be obtained from selected branches of Axis Bank on payment of Rs 4250/-
Important Dates
Availability of information bulletin-cum-examination fee voucher at designated branches of Axis Bank: 03rd October, 2013 to 01st November, 2013
Online registration and scheduling for DNB-CET: 03rd October, 2013 to 03rd November, 2013.
Examination Date for DNB-CET: 15th November, 2013 to 21st November, 2013.
CHEDULE OF EXAMINATION, ADMIT CARD AND PRACTICE TEST1. The examination shall be conducted from 15th – 21st November, 2013, which is referred to as the testing window (with 17th and 20th November as a non-testing day).
2. Candidates have the option of choosing their examination centre, date and time through online registration & scheduling system. Availability is on a first come, first served basis, and candidates will only be shown options that are available at the point of scheduling.
3. Candidates may note that each candidate will be required to appear only once during the testing window, in the session allocated i.e. either Forenoon or Afternoon on the particular date.
4. REQUESTS FOR CHANGE OF CENTRE ARE NOT ENTERTAINED once the candidate schedules his/her examination. Candidates are advised not to canvass for the same.
5. At the end of Registration and Scheduling process the applicant will get a computer generated acknowledgement, this acknowledgment shall also be sent at the registered e-mail ID of the applicant. A print out of this acknowledgment constitutes the Admit Card-cum-Confirmation Slip. Candidate is required to affix a latest passport size photograph of the following specifications on this acknowledgement. Candidate is required to bring a print out of this acknowledgement to the Test centre along with an identification document as per para 6 below.
Specifications for Photograph –
A photograph of minimum 35×45 mm with at least 75% coverage of face & head of the candidate.
A caption indicating name of candidate and date of taking photograph should be there at the bottom of photo.
Photograph should be taken in a white /very light colored background.
The photograph needs to display full front view of the face. Please look directly into the camera with a neutral expression.
Please avoid photograph with reflection or shadow on the face with red eyes.
The photograph needs to be printed on a high quality paper with at least 600 dpi resolutions.
The colours must possess the natural appearance and skin tone.
The photograph must not have kinks, scratches and stains.
6. Candidates MUST bring to the test centre the following documents
Printed copy of your Admit card with photo attested by gazetted officer attached AND
Photocopy of your Permanent and Provisional SMC/MCI registration*, to be retained by the test centre AND
Any one of the authorized photo IDs**(must be original and non-expired)
i. Permanent or Provisional SMC/MCI registration certificate with photograph. (Please note that in case you are carrying a COMPUTER PRINTED COPY of the MCI/SMC certificate, it needs to be presented with an additional valid PHOTO ID mentioned below.)
ii. PAN Card/Driving Licence/Voter ID/Passport/Aadhaar Card.
*Candidates who have obtained their Primary medical Qualification outside India and do not have SMC/MCI registration should bring their original screening test pass certificate issued on NBE letterhead.
**The name on your photo identification must match with your name as shown on your Admit card.If your name has been changed due to events such as marriage, you must show the relevant document mentioned below at the time of test.
7. Candidates may kindly note that they have to report by the time as indicated in the admit card and para 5.8 of this Information Bulletin. Candidates reporting late or beyond the prescribed time shall not be allowed to appear in the test.
8. A practice test to provide candidates with the feel and functionality of the actual test is available on DNB-CET website www.natboard.edu.in/CET . Candidates registered for DNB-CET can undertake the practice test prior to the actual test window. Candidates are advised to go through the practice test carefully to familiarize themselves with the screens, layout and navigation.
Information Bulletin – Click here
Registration Guide – Click here
Official Notification – Click here
Performa Certificates
Official Website – Click here
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