Saturday, August 31, 2013

Rajasthan Madarsa Para Teacher Merit List 2013 District Wise (Urdu/Computer) at

Rajasthan Madarsa Board has recently announced to recruit the various posts of Urdu and Computer teacher in the State of Rajasthan. Last date for submission of the application form was 21-07-2013. The state District wise applications have been received by the recruitment committee and the results will also be published District wise for the candidates. Rajasthan Madarsa Board announced district wise merit list for Urdu Para Teacher posts. Candidate can download list district wise in PDF format. of Computer Para Teacher will be released very soon at Madarsa educational website There are 5826 posts for para teacher in Rajasthan Madarsa. Cut-off Marks will be published after computer para teacher merit list.
Merit list

  • Computer para teacher – 2500
  • Urdu para teacher- 3326

Rajasthan Madarsa Board Merit List 2013:

The selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of merit list and which in turn will be based on the cut off and the marks scored by the candidates. Obviously, like all other exams here also, the applicant with the highest marks will be given more priority as compared to the candidate with the least marks.
However, the Rajasthan Madarsa Board Merit List 2013 will be declared district wise. So, you will be required to choose your district first and then you will be able to check your Rajasthan Madarsa Board Result 2013.

How to Check Rajasthan Madarsa Board Result 2013:

1. Open the official site of Rajasthan Madarsa Board i.e.,
2. Now click on the option or link that you find relevant to ”Madarsa result 2013“.
3. After that if required then fill all your personal details that you are asked to enter.
4. Now, check all of them twice and then hit the submit button.
5. Finally, check your Rajasthan Madarsa Result 2013 and also take some printouts of it.

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